Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesThey were no longer little men… the need for female standards in medical research and innovation.In all fields of research, young men have been considered as the default human for a long time; with the majority of medical tests being…Nov 2, 2022Nov 2, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesWhat We Talk About When We Talk About resources for RRI?Reflecting on the sustainability of RRI within a research organization involves, among other things, thinking about resources. Based on the…Sep 27, 2022Sep 27, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciences23 and ours - The future of DNA privacyShould we be worried about DNA Privacy?Sep 13, 2022Sep 13, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesThe demise of over-technical language - The Death of JargonThe utilisation of overly technical terminology when communicating scientific hypotheses and theories to the general populace can actually…Aug 30, 2022Aug 30, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesLife story- Opening the genomic book of lifeSequencing Life for the Future of Life — Earth Biogenome ProjectMay 25, 2022May 25, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesFinding the fun in cancer research- Citizen Science the game!Sometimes I wonder about how quickly I can incorporate some habits into my life, and how others just do not seem to stick. However, I am a…May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesThe value of “Mutual learning” when implementing RRI changes in an institution: The experiences…Since 1951 (first as “The Fisheries Research Institute”), the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) (1) of Barcelona has been at the…May 10, 2022May 10, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesCitation neededEthics and open science - PlagiarismFeb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesHack Society — for the betterSometimes… Perfect is the enemy of the good. It does not matter how innovative your idea is, if you cannot get over the initial hump, and…Feb 7, 2022Feb 7, 2022
Mutual learning for responsible biosciencesExtra Consideration -Ethics and the BiosciencesWhen we think about ethics, most of us associate it with the concept of rules, distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong, what…Nov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021